A Story of Faith, Hope, and Miracles

Thursday, May 2, 2013

10 million

Confession: This is a topic-stealing post from our friend Josh.  An avid blogger, lover of children, creator of Moganko, and an all around great guy fighting CF like a beast!  You can check him out at:

I copy his post because it's at the front of why we fund raise for CF other than for the obvious of a cure.  Never in a million years did we think we would be caring for 3 children with cystic fibrosis.  We didn't even know what it was.  We were "blissfully uninformed" as he puts it.

"More than 10 MILLION AMERICANS are symptomless carriers of the defective CF gene.

That's a lot of people who are blissfully and rightfully uninformed of cystic fibrosis—what it is, what it does and how it changes your outlook on life. Honestly, I can't blame them because I'd probably be the same way. Why worry about what isn't in your world?

Every year, 1,000 families just like those "blissfully uninformed" are diagnosed with CF..."

We have met countless people through the cause.  Some close and others not very.  But each person hears our story and we pray is informed that God-forbid their world collide with CF.

Our family members are carriers.  Friends who least expected it.  Gratefully none of them have been one of the 1,000 families learning of a new diagnosis.

This past Wednesday I was able to share our family's story with a Catholic parish in Montello, WI.  It was absolutely humbling for me to share with them and while I certainly know I touched them, I pray that they never have to know CF the way we do.  But if they do, I want them to know that there is hope.  They can fight and to never lose hope.

We are now nearly finishing up our fund raising for the month, wrapping up until September's kickball tourney.  It is the most exciting year ever.  We are heading into the walk already with over $13,000!  It blows my mind to type that many zeros after the comma.  To my knowledge we haven't ever went into a Great Strides walk with that amount.  We are almost half way to our goal.

Clinic updates will be coming in the next few weeks...everyone is doing so great!

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