A Story of Faith, Hope, and Miracles

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Good and the Bad

The past few days have been roller coasters of mixed emotions, wondering if we will ever be able to bring our sweet Cayden home for good.  Monday the numbers on his FEV score had improved to nearly the 120% baseline number we needed Cayden to hit.  But his other numbers were just "steady" with little to no change since admission.  

Given those results we had no other option but to do a bronchoscopy.  The procedure took about an hour under anesthesia.  Daddy was able to go back with Cayden until he fell asleep from the meds.  Dr. Schroth said the procedure went really well and she was pleased with what she saw.  I always want to know what the damages from CF look like and she said there really were no indicators of damage.  His bronchs looked open and not inflamed which she expected to see after the amount of coughing he has been doing.  His left lobe had a considerable amount of mucus chunks which they were able to remove.  
The doctors also did a flush with fluids and put in a vial of pulmozyme into his lungs during the procedure.  Talk about an effective nebulizer treatment!!!
He was pretty crabby when he woke up, coughing like crazy because they were in his lungs probing around.  The sputum will be cultured and results should be back by Wednesday which will give us a better picture of where we are at and how much longer we will need to be here.
We are so happy for our friend Tucker and his family (a CF friend who was admitted on the same day)-he is leaving today!  We are so excited for you, buddy!

Here are some pictures from the weekend that I hadn't had the chance to upload yet.  We hope you enjoy-

P.S. Hospital rooms are not large enough for tents.  We tried and were not successful for but a photography moment:


Our visit with Coach McCarthy!!

More pictures from before Cayden's bronch-

His operation room tour via the child life ipad!

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