A Story of Faith, Hope, and Miracles

Monday, February 6, 2012


The dates are marked on our calendar. In big blue letters.

February 3rd-Cayden done with TOBI
February 14th-Trinity done with TOBI

I love seeing the clear vials disappear from the fridge. It's always a big deal when a 6 year old exclaims. "No more TOBI, question mark. YES!"

In addition to inhaled TOBI, Dr. Green also treats pseudo with the oral antibiotic ciprofloxacin (cipro). The combination of antibiotics has shown in clinic studies to reduce the prevalence of PA in future cultures.

Here is a graph of an eradication procedure for early or recurring PA done in 2008. Colisin is another common nebulized drug used for the purpose of killing PA, but it is more common to start with TOBI.

I am such a CF geek. In fact, I know I am when I enjoy looking at charts like this.

Cayden was in a study as an infant using TOBI and a combination of Cipro (or placebo) in patients who grew PA before their first birthday. However we couldn't complete the study because Cayden's liver enzymes were too elevated to begin.

We're really hoping for good results on the 13th because, yes, we could get more use to an extra 2 hours in our day.

Next post will be most definitely an update, but Colin's out-of-this-world 5th birthday party will also be spotlighted. After all, he deserves his own post every now and then.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo hoping for greAt news coming ur way! U all deserve it. Hoping pseudo found its way away!!! No pa vibes...sending them that way!!
