A Story of Faith, Hope, and Miracles

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ready to Kick It!

We have so many wonderful things planned for this weekend's Kickin for a Cure event...we hope if you are able to stop by you will and enjoy the day with us!

I know I still need to upload Colin's first day of school pics and I promise to do that as soon as I can!

Here are some of the highlights of our weekend. As we think of all the hard work and all the sleepless nights, we can't help but feel completely excited for all our hard work to see it all unfold. It is so amazing to stop during the day and step back to realize for just a moment and that all this is happening because so many want to help find a cure for CF. Here is a little preview of what we will be sharing with people as they arrive with a list of the day's events we have planned.

We’re so excited that you are able to share this special day with us. On behalf of our entire family we are forever grateful and humbled by your presence here today, because without you there would be no hope for a cure to this terrible disease that consumes our entire lives. When our days are long and we feel as though we cannot go on any longer, we think of today. And it keeps us fighting. Thank you for helping us celebrate and for being truly wonderful people who are looking forward to saying that a cure has been found for cystic fibrosis! Enjoy your day!
Love, The Topel Family

A Schedule of Today’s Events
9 am Kickball begins! Watch local teams play for the championship.
*Concessions served all day! Please purchase tickets at the ticket table near the main entrance.
For the kids-kids activities, bouncy house, and face painting
26 Silent Auction Items on display in the Silent Auction Shelter near the DJ
11 am 50/50 Raffle Begins
1 pm Paddle Raffles Begin
Gift Certificates Adler’s Pub and Grill
Olive Garden Gift Certificates
Aunt Bernadette’s Sugar Cookies
Home-made Afghans
Home-made tie blankets
BP Gas Certificates
Qdoba Gift Certificates
Perfect Ten Kennels Gift Certificates
12-pk of Beer
Ladderball Game
Child’s Shopping Cart
1-4 pm Bingo (located in the shelter to the right of the Silent Auction shelter)
5-7 pm Southern-Style BBQ Dinner served by Capn’s Catering
Please purchase tickets at the ticket table near the main entrance.
6:00 pm Live auction (Silent Auction Shelter)-Vacation Packages, Autographed Russell Wilson and Donald Driver jerseys, 4 center court, courtside seats for a Badger's men's basketball game, Green Bay Packer tickets, Autographed Badger football.
6:30 pm Consolation Championship Game Played
7:20 pm 50/50 Raffle Ends
7:30 pm Championship Game Played
8:30 pm Silent Auction Ends


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