Blogging has completely slipped off the track...I am so sorry. But we are so healthy, happy, and enjoying summer's return graciously.
And up until last Thursday we have been completely cough free. Cooper's nose is running green goo faster than I can wipe it. He goes back to Dr. Green's for a 6-week check on Friday so fingers crossed that he can kick it by then. If not, it's great timing to check in on his lungs. We've been doing chest pt at our very best 3 times a day for him, but 'tis the season for busy mornings and late nights outside.
Yesterday I gave him 2 puffs of albuterol and his breathing improved dramatically within a few minutes.
Bigger deal than Cooper's cold is that Trinity learned to swallow her enzymes this past Saturday! We can not believe she's doing it already at 3 and so well. I think she's happier now at mealtime because she's a bit more in control. Oh my little independent one, how we love you!
Cayden starts summer school activities next week. This week Colin and Cayden are hanging out at home with a college friend of ours playing outside and doing their swimming lessons with her while I'm at work (how awesome is that?!?). Colin is so much more brave and fearless of the water this year. What a huge difference from last year!
Great Strides has come and gone another year. We left the walk with a little over $13,000 banked for the foundation! Thank you for all your generous donations. We know they truly come from the heart and what is more amazing is that we are still raising tons of money amidst the economy and job loss. We're now onto planning our big celebration of the year: Kickin' for a Cure on September 24th. It seems like a long ways yet to Sept. but trust me, all the work that goes into planning the day catches up with you very quickly! It's truly a labor of love. Check back on the "Kickin' for a Cure" link at the top of my blog page for registration forms and schedules as we work on updating the site.
I promise to check in more frequently and blog weekly (if not bi-weekly) this summer.
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